After Effects Python

Javascript, PHP & Python; Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro; Much More; Millions of creative assets. Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. After Effects will generate a python file for you. Open up Blender and browse to the generated python file from a text window. Once the python file is loaded into a Blender text window, press ALT-P to execute the script. If all goes well you will have a new camera that matches the location and rotation of your camera in After Effects. I use After Effects CS3 a lot, and have a full copy of Maya, with which I’m slightly more adept, however, I recently bought a DVD from entitled The Bullet, which is a large tutorial about incorporating 3D into After Effects. It’s now at the point where I need to export my finished animation and the camera data. Automate the process by creating an After Effects script to fill in the layout, add the items to the render queue, and render. Use Python to email yourself the photos after they’ve rendered. Crontab the Python files/programs to run at a certain time. Setting Up the Project. Browse other questions tagged javascript python visualization video-processing after-effects or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Podcast 324: Talking apps, APIs, and open source with developers from Slack.

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asyncio wrapper for Adobe After Effects aerender

Project description

Render Adobe After Effects projects using Python

aerender is an asyncio wrapper over aerender (Adobe After Effects 2019)built and tested on Windows 10. It can be used to automate the rendering ofAfter Effects projects.

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Usage example

  • To render just Comp 1 to a specified file:

aerender -help

Below you can see the -help output of aerender executable on Windows.


  1. aerender renders After Effects comps. The render may be performed eitherby an already running instance of AE or by a newly invoked instance. Bydefault, aerender will invoke a new instance of AE, even if one isalready running. To change this, see the -reuse flag below.

  2. aerender takes a series of optional arguments.

    Some are single flags, like -reuse. Some come in flag-argumentpairs, like -project project_path. And one comes in a triplet,-mem_usage image_cache_percent max_mem_percent.

  3. aerender with 0 arguments, or with any argument equaling -helpor -h, prints this usage message.

  4. The arguments are:

    • -h print this usage message

    • -help print this usage message

    • -reuse use this flag if you want to try and reusean already running instance of AE to perform therender. By default, aerender will launch a newinstance of After Effects, even if one is alreadyrunning. But, if AE is already running, and the-reuse flag is provided, then aerender willask the already running instance of AE to performthe render. Whenever aerender launches a newinstance of AE, it will tell AE to quit whenrendering is completed; otherwise, it will notquit AE. Also, the preferences will be writtento file upon quit when the -reuse flag isspecified; otherwise it will not be written.

    • -project project_pathwhere project_path is a file path or URIspecifying a project file to open.If none is provided, aerender will work with thecurrently open project.If no project is open and no project is provided,an error will result.

    • -teamproject project_namewhere project_name is a name of ateam project to open.

    • -comp comp_namewhere comp_name specifies a comp to be rendered.If the comp is in the render queue already, andin a queueable state, then (only) the firstqueueable instance of that comp on the renderqueue will be rendered. If the comp is in theproject but not in the render queue, then it willbe added to the render queue and rendered.If no -comp argument is provided, aerender willrender the entire render queue as is. In thiscase (no -comp), the only other arguments usedwill be -project, -log, -v, -mem_usage, and-close; the -RStemplate, -OMtemplate, -output,-s, -e, and -i arguments will be ignored.

    • -rqindex index_in_render_queuewhere index_in_render_queue specifies arender queue item to be rendered. Options that makesense when rendering a single render queue itemare available like with the -comp flag.

    • -RStemplate render_settings_templatewhere render_settings_templateis the name of a template to apply to the renderqueue item.If the template does not exist it isan error.Default is to use the render template alreadydefined for the item.

    • -OMtemplate output_module_templatewhere output_module_templateis the name of a template to apply to theoutput module. If the template does not existit is an error.Default is to use the template already definedfor the output module.

    • -output output_pathwhere output_path is a file path or URIspecifying the destination render file.Default is the path already in the project file.

    • -log logfile_pathwhere logfile_path is a file path or URIspecifying the location of the log file.Default is stdout.

    • -s start_framewhere start_frame is the first frame to render.Default is the start frame in the file.

    • -e end_framewhere end_frame is the last frame to render.Note, this is 'inclusive;' the final framewill be rendered.Default is the end frame in the file.

    • -i incrementwhere increment is the number of frames toadvance before rendering a new frame. A valueof 1 (the default) results in a normal renderingof all frames. Higher increments will repeat thesame (frame increment-1) times and then render anew one, starting the cycle again. Higher valuesresult in faster renders but choppier motion.Default is 1.

    • -mem_usage image_cache_percent max_mem_percentwhere image_cache_percent specifies the maximumpercent of memory used to cache already renderedimages/footage, and max_mem_percent specifiesthe total percent of memory that can beused by After Effects.

    • -v verbose_flagwhere verbose_flag specifies the type ofmessages reported. Possible values are ERRORS(prints only fatal and problem errors) orERRORS_AND_PROGRESS (prints progress of renderingas well).Default value is ERRORS_AND_PROGRESS.

    • -close close_flagwhere close_flag specifies whether or not toclose the project when done rendering, andwhether or not to save changes. If close_flag isDO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES, project will be closedwithout saving changes. If close_flag isSAVE_CHANGES, project will be closed and changeswill be saved. If close_flag is DO_NOT_CLOSE theproject will be left open; but the project isleft open only if using an already-runninginstance of AE, since new invocations of AE mustalways close and quit when done.Default value is DO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES.

    • -sound sound_flagwhere sound_flag specifies whether or not to playa sound when rendering is complete. Possiblevalues are 'ON' or 'OFF'.Default value is 'OFF'.

    • -versiondisplays the version number of aerender to theconsole. Does not render.

    • -continueOnMissingFootageDo not stop rendering on missing footage. Log andrender with placeholder color bars.

  5. EXAMPLES:To render just Comp 1 to a specified file: Pokemon uranium online.

    To render everything in the render queue as is in the project file:

    To render frames 1-10 using multi-machine render:

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After effect expression
Files for aerender, version 0.1.3
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size aerender-0.1.3.tar.gz (8.7 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for aerender-0.1.3.tar.gz

Hashes for aerender-0.1.3.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest

Quick Reference

This section is for quick reference only, read the How the Script Works section to learn about the script and how to run it.


After Effects Python Tutorials

Download the script from our Github here:

..or paste the code below into a text editor, then save it as

How the Script Works

The script can be run in Python from the Command Line (Terminal in OSX) - more about this in the Running the Script section on this page.

You'll need to specify a directory that contains AE render logs. The script will then iterate through that folder and any subdirectories, extract the Total Time Elapsed from each log file, and sum all those values up - giving you the Total Render Time.

Running the Script (OSX)

The script is written in Python 3.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with Python, read the Getting Started with Python 3 section (on this page) first, to check if Python 3 is already installed on your machine and how to upgrade/install it.

Open a new Terminal window.

Now type python3. Hit spacebar once, then drag and drop your python script to the Terminal window.

Hit spacebar again, then drag and drop your AE render log folder. You should end up with something similar to this:

Hit enter.

The script will iterate through every log file in the specified folder, extract the Total Time Elapsed of each render job, add them together, and finally display the grand total.

About Render Logs

Every time a render is launched in After Effects, a log file is generated, detailing statistics such as when the render started, where it was output, and the Total Elapsed Time - or how long the render took.

After Effects Python Free

When render completes, fails, or is cancelled, the log file is written to a folder with the project's name, in the same directory where the project file is located.

To view where the log file was written to: In the AE's render panel, simply toggle the Render Settings view of the rendered item in the queue. The full path of the log file should appear.

Note: Once a composition is added to the render queue, you can adjust the Verbosity level (level of detail) of the statistics written to the log file for that composition. Just select one of the options from the Log dropdown box. (Click on the arrow to the left of the queue item to toggle the render settings for that queue item). The default is Errors Only.

After Effects Python Tutorial

Getting Started with Python 3 (OSX)

After Effects Python

If you are not familiar with Python follow these steps first to check if its installed on your system: Anydesk smart tv.

  1. Open the Terminal App (from the Applications folder or search for it in Spotlight)
  2. Type python3 --version or python3 -V. Then press enter on your keyboard to get the version of python installed on your Mac. If a version appears you can skip step 3.
  3. If you get a message saying command not found, try the same command without the 3 to check if an older version of python is installed. If it is, you will still need to upgrade to Python 3 so, either way, download the latest Python here:

Note: MacOS from 10.2 (Jaguar) to 10.15 (Catalina) includes a system version of Python 2. MacOS after 10.15 (Catalina) will not include a default system Python. More info here:

Note: At the time of writing there are two Python versions available: Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 is recommended and is required for the script to work.

Here is a digestible description of what Python is, what it does, and where it's used:

Additional Resources

Log options in AE Render Settings:

Gfxhacks Gists on Github:

Generate project folder structures with custom templates using Python:

After effects python

Reduce render times by running simultaneous renders via the command line: