What Does Excel

Here are the important symbols used in Excel Formulas. Each of these special characters have used for different purpose in Excel. Let us see complete list of symbols used in Excel Formulas, its meaning and uses.

What are the benefits of running multiple instances of Excel?-If you have 32-bit Excel, each instance can use up to 3 GB memory. If you have a powerful computer, very heavy files, and 32-bit Excel, each instance of Excel can use 3 GB. 2 instances of Excel.exe, you could say that the total memory Excel could use triples. With out them, Excel is just a data keeping tool. But by using formulas, you can crunch data, analyze it and get answers to most complex questions. While anyone can use a simple SUM or IF formula, an advanced user of it would be able to seamlessly write & combine formulas like SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH, LOOKUP formulas.

Symbols used in Excel Formula

Following symbols are used in Excel Formula. They will perform different actions in Excel Formulas and Functions.

=Equal toEvery Excel Formula begins with Equal to symbol (=).


()ParenthesesAll Arguments of the Excel Functions specified between the Parentheses.


()ParenthesesExpressions specified in the Parentheses will be evaluated first. Parentheses changes the order of the evaluation in Excel Formula.

Example: =25+(35*2)+5

*AsteriskWild card operator to to denote all values in a List.

Example: =COUNTIF(A1:A5,”*“)

,CommaList of the Arguments of a Function Separated by Comma in Excel Formula.

Example: =COUNTIF(A1:A5,“>” &B1)

&AmpersandConcatenate Operator to connect two strings into one in Excel Formula.

Example: =”Total: “&SUM(B2:B25)

$DollarMakes Cell Reference as Absolute in Excel Formula.


!ExclamationSheet Names and Table Names Followed by ! Symbol in Excel Formula.

Example: =SUM(Sheet2!B2:B25)

[]Square BracketsUses to refer the Field Name of the Table (List Object) in Excel Formula.


{}Curly BracketsDenote the Array formula in Excel.

World of warcraft chaos orb. Example: {=MAX(A1:A5-G1:G5)}

:ColonCreates references to all cells between two references.

Example: =SUM(B2:B25)

,CommaUnion Operator will combine the multiple references into One.

Example: =SUM(A2:A25, B2:B25)

(space)SpaceIntersection Operator will create common reference of two references.

Example: =SUM(A2:A10 A5:A25)

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